Happy 6th Anniversary
Portugal in Vancouver turned 6 years old today! What a ride it has been. This venture has given me so many exciting opportunities, memories, and friendships. What I’m most proud of though, is serving my Portuguese community. I enjoy finding pieces of Portugal in Vancouver and beyond to share with you.
Turning our gaze towards the present though, this pandemic has changed everyone’s world and no one knows for how long, so I’ve had to pump the brakes on this ride and change gears. You will have noticed that there aren’t really any events except for the live streams I’ve shared from the Portuguese Parishes in both Vancouver and Victoria. I’ve also been posting virtual ways for you to connect to your Portuguese roots and will continue to do so for as long as possible.
However, now is the time to recharge, pause, take a breath and enjoy life’s little moments until things can go back to normal. I will also be using this time to rethink, reinvent, and reimagine what Portugal in Vancouver can offer you
Lastly, I would like to thank each and every one of you for joining me on this ride. Thank you, muito obrigada, for a wonderful 6 years and hopefully for many more years to come.