Share Your Events with Portugal in Vancouver
Portugal in Vancouver promotes Portuguese related events for local non-profits such as churches, associations, clubs, and foundations as well as the Consulate General of Portugal for FREE.
If you represent one of these non-profits, please email Portugal in Vancouver with details about your event along with a photo or image and it will be included in our monthly newsletter and posted on our website and social media accounts. To share your events, email us at [email protected].
If you’d like your event included in our next newsletter, please send an email before the end of this month.
Please note that Portugal in Vancouver is currently not affiliated with any non-profit group, company, business nor the Consulate General of Portugal. The purpose of Portugal in Vancouver is to be a community resource providing information on events taking place in Metro Vancouver and the Province of B.C. as well as a source of general information for and about the local Portuguese community.
For businesses wishing to advertise with Portugal in Vancouver, we are at present updating our media kit and rates which once finalized will be made available upon request.
For further information about our policies, please refer to our Policy page. Click on “Continue reading” in the link below to open the page.