Our Lady of Fatima Parish in Victoria is Now Open!
Our Lady of Fatima Portuguese Parish in Victoria re-opened on Sunday, May 31st. However, only 50 people are allowed on church property at any given time. It is mandatory that you are registered to attend one of the masses. For complete details, click here: May 31, 2020 Church Bulletin
To register to attend a mass please contact:
Arthur Paulo – 778-677-0077
Christina Santos – 250-896-0694
Marlinda Cabral – 250-893-6985
The elderly and immune-compromised are recommended to watch Holy Mass on Facebook as they continue to broadcast their church services via Livestream here: Our Lady of Fatima (Victoria) Provided below is their mass schedule.
Facebook Live Regular Mass Schedule:
Saturday Holy Mass at 6:00 pm in Portuguese
Sunday Holy Mass at 9:00 am in English, 11:00 am in Portuguese, 1:00 pm in Spanish
Monday to Friday Holy Mass at 9:00 am in Portuguese
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: Our Lady of Fatima (Victoria)
Website: Our Lady of Fatima (Victoria)