Feast of our Lady of Fatima in Vancouver
Our Lady of Fatima Portuguese Parish in Vancouver will be holding their Festa Da Nossa Senhora De Fátima on the weekend of May 12th and 13th. Everyone is invited to participate. See the schedule below and on the poster (above) for more details. Please note that there will also be a Bazaar at the Festa and the church is currently accepting donations of new and used items for it. Please leave your items at the back of the church or at the Rectory.
Saturday, May 12th
6:30 pm Rosary
7:00 pm Mass in English and Portuguese (Missa em inglês e Portugês)
Mass will be followed by a Candlelight Procession/Procissão and a social in the church hall.
Sunday, May 13th
10:00 am Mass in English (Missa em inglês)
12:00 pm Mass in Portuguese (Missa em Português)
Mass will be followed by a Procession and Farewell Ceremony and social in the church hall.
Where: 1423 East 13th Avenue, Vancouver, BC
Website: Our Lady of Fatima in Vancouver