How you can help
For those who wish to help the towns and families of the 64 victims of the forest fires that have ravaged the counties of Pedrógão Grande (Leiria), Gois and Penela (Coimbra), there are two fundraisers happening this month in Metro Vancouver. If you cannot attend the fundraiser but would like to make a donation, you can do so at either the Portuguese Canadian Seniors Foundation or a Vancity account that has been set up by the Portuguese Club of Vancouver. Read on for complete details.
Sunday, July 2nd – Portuguese-Canadian Seniors Foundation
Devastated by what has happened, the Portuguese-Canadian Seniors Foundation (PCSF) is holding a fundraising Lunch to help raise money for the victims of Pedrógão Grande and surrounding area wildfires. They are asking everyone to please help and support this cause especially the Portuguese community to come together and help at this great time of need.
Due to the short notice, they ask that you share this event with family and friends so that they can have a successful turn out to benefit this cause.
To attend, make a reservation by calling either Manuel Custodio at 778.712.0006 or Ivone Correia at 604.968.4102 anytime between 9:00 am and 9:00 pm. For further information, see the details below.
PCFS Event Details
When: Sunday, July 2nd
Time: 1:00 pm
Where: Portuguese-Canadian Seniors Foundation, 5455 Imperial Street, Burnaby, BC
Cost: $30.00 per person
Facebook Event Page: Pedrógão Grande Fundraising
Lunch Menu
Galinha no Churrasco
Batata Frita
Reservations Required
Note: Maria Viegas is NOT AVAILABLE to take reservations, all seating reservations at this time MUST go to the following:
(Call anytime between 9:00 am and 9:00 pm)
Manuel Custodio: 778. 712 .0006
Ivone Correia: 604. 968. 4102
Cash Donations
If you are not able to attend the Lunch but wish to make a cash donation, you can do so at the Portuguese Seniors Foundation @ 5455 Imperial Street in Burnaby on Fridays (10:00 am to 3:00 pm) or please contact Manuel Custodio 778.712.0006 for donation arrangements.
Friday, July 7th – Portuguese Club of Vancouver
The Portuguese Club of Vancouver (PCOV) is helping the victims from the Pedrógão Grande fire and their families with a Fire Fund Dinner. If you cannot attend this dinner or would like to make a donation, you can do so at any Vancity branch. See below for further details.
PCOV Event Details
When: Friday, July 7th
Time: 7:00 pm
Where: Portuguese Club of Vancouver, 1144 Commercial Drive, Vancouver, BC
Tickets: $100.00 per person. To purchase tickets or for more information, please contact PCOV at 604.251.2042.
Facebook Page: PCOV – Portuguese Club of Vancouver
Lunch Menu
Fresh Cheese
Bacalhau à Bras
Roast BeefTickets
You can donate to any Vancity Branch. See the poster below for bank account details.
Other Ways To Donate
If you wish to make a more direct financial donation, click on the link below to read a list of some other accounts that are set up in Portugal.
Portuguese American Journal – Pedrógão Grande: How you can help the forest fire survivors – Portugal
Please note that this page will be updated if new information arises.
Great blog my friend 🙂