It’s the end of the month and there are two fantastic events taking place this weekend: one in Prince Rupert and the other here in Vancouver. Read all about these April events below.

Saturday, April 29th – A Taste of Red, White & Cider
The Luso Portuguese Club in Prince Rupert is hosting “A Taste of Red, White & Cider.” You get to try a variety of both Portuguese and international wines and a selection of ciders. You must be 19 years of age or older to attend.
When: Saturday, April 29, 2017 from 7:00pm to 1:00am
Where: Moose Hall
Admission: To purchase tickets, call or text 250. 600. 5684.

Sunday, April 30th – Almoço Comunitário / Community Lunch
Every month Our Lady of Fatima Portuguese Parish in Vancouver holds a Community Lunch and everyone is invited. Drinks and desserts are included in the ticket price. They will also be selling chicken and filhós to go.
When: Sunday, April 30th Lunch starts at 1:00pm
Where: 1423 East 13th Avenue, Vancouver
Admission: $25 for adults & children under 12 = FREE
Contact: For more information, please call Lucilia at 778. 302. 7143